20: Dave Goldberg: The Life Purpose of a Peaceful Aikido Warrior
February 11, 2015
In this episode, Dave Goldberg discusses Aikido, consciousness and living the life of a peaceful warrior. “There's always....
20: Dave Goldberg: The Life Purpose of a Peaceful Aikido Warrior
February 11, 2015
In this episode, Dave Goldberg discusses Aikido, consciousness and living the life of a peaceful warrior. “There's always....
In this episode, Dave Goldberg discusses Aikido, consciousness and living the life of a peaceful warrior.
“There’s always a relationship between our being and our action in life.”– Dave Goldberg
[spp-player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/lifepurposeadvisor/AS_Dave_Goldberg_rev-2.mp3″]
Sensei Dave Goldberg, Aikido Go-Dan (5th degree black belt) and founder ofAikido of San Diego teaches, practices, and embodies Aikido. Sensei Goldberg studied in Japan with some of Founder Morihei Ueshiba’s (O’Sensei) most enduring and prolific disciples. He also holds a BA in Philosophy and an MA in Teaching. Mr. Goldberg’s work is inspired by the Founder’s vision that Aikido is here to develop us as more harmonious, free, and effective people. He is dedicated to a path in martial arts that is life-affirming, and connects us to the questions of life that we all share.
….In this show….
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