I’m Inspired By Stepping Into My Life Purpose

Hello and Welcome to Life Purpose Advisor.
It is with great pleasure that I bring you this new offering.  I continue to be inspired by so many things, people and places and I want to share them with you in hope that you will be inspired, too.  We’ve created this special place, I’ve Been Inspired, for monthly articles from me on inspiration.
Life Purpose Advisor has been unfolding as part of my journey over the past ten years.  I knew it was time to do something serious with it when I co-created the concepts in a short two weeks.
The creation of the Life Purpose Advisor concepts is one of those pivotal experiences that I’ll remember forever.  It happened despite having a sprained wrist.   I couldn’t type.    My left hand was swollen to the size of a small melon and I couldn’t use it.  The ideas and concepts started coming so quickly that I could barely keep up.   I started writing on plane, white paper with a pink ink pen.  Once I started writing, I didn’t stop for two weeks.  Some people might say I was in the FLOW.  Some might say that I was creating with help as a message came through me from a higher place.  And, others might say I was just focused.  Regardless, I can tell you that this experience was one of the most unique, most fun times in my career.
During the creation process, I had an amazing feeling that I had walked through a door that had been waiting for me for a long time.  I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness, confidence, and excitement. Is this what happens when you step up to your purpose with the intention of contributing to the greater good?  I think it might be.  It’s been over four months and I still feel the same.
This euphoria had me thinking, “How did I get to this wonderful place and how can I help others get here too?”
Creating the Life Purpose Advisor method has inspired me to step up to my best self and to use all my talents to help others.  Are you ready to step fully into your life, recognize your best self, live a happy, joyful life and contribute your gifts?

It is my purpose to help others find their purpose and to encourage others to step up to their highest self and transform the world.

What’s your life purpose and what’s inspiring you?
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

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