5: Dr. Alice Bandy: The Inner Journey is the Path to Life Purpose
January 21, 2015
In this episode, Dr. Alice Bandy and I discuss the inner journey, creativity, and helping other become their magnificent selves...
5: Dr. Alice Bandy: The Inner Journey is the Path to Life Purpose
January 21, 2015
In this episode, Dr. Alice Bandy and I discuss the inner journey, creativity, and helping other become their magnificent selves...
In this episode, Dr. Alice Bandy and I discuss the inner journey, creativity, and helping other become their magnificent selves.
[spp-player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/lifepurposeadvisor/AS_Alice_Bandy_rev-1.mp3“]
[spp-tweet “Put your attention on being exactly who you are, you’ll move toward your purpose. –Alice Bandy”]
Dr. Alice Bandy is the Spiritual Director of The Heart of Teaching, Inc. a nonprofit educational organization. She has been doing spiritual counseling and leading transformative spiritual classes and retreats for adults across the United States since 1996. Her creative style of teaching offers students experiences of personal empowerment designed to reveal the inherent greatness within each individual. She lives in California.
In this show….
Major Life Events that Hinted at Your Life Purpose
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