22: Aurora Colello: Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis with Faith and Natural Medicine
February 13, 2015
In this episode, Aurora Colello shares her experience of fighting multiple sclerosis, competing in.......
22: Aurora Colello: Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis with Faith and Natural Medicine
February 13, 2015
In this episode, Aurora Colello shares her experience of fighting multiple sclerosis, competing in.......
In this episode, Aurora Colello shares her experience of fighting multiple sclerosis, competing in triathlons, and finding God.
“I need to do it now. I don’t now how much time I have left in this body so I’ll finish this goal while I still can.”– Aurora Colello
[spp-player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/lifepurposeadvisor/AS_Aurora_Colello.mp3″]
In 2008, Aurora Colello was diagnosed with an incurable, progressive disease. She is passionate about sharing how, through lifestyle changes, she became a sponsored triathlete racing over 21 triathlons and has been healthy and symptom free for 5 years. Aurora’s story has been featured on Shape Magazine, FOX News, KPBS Evening Edition and other media.
[spp-tweet “I don’t now how much time I have left in this body so I’ll finish this goal while I still can.@AuroraColello”]
….In this show….
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