3: Denise Wakeman: Adventure Travel is the Key to Life Purpose

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In This Episode

In is episode, Denise Wakeman and I discuss how she found her life purpose on a trip to Peru and made a monumental shift in her thinking which is allowing her to combine her love of adventure travel with her business.
[spp-tweet “Be persistent and embrace the unknown. So many wonderful things can happen. -@DeniseWakeman”]

About Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman is an Online Business Strategist. She is host of the popular Hangout show and podcast, Adventures In Visibility, focused on helping small businesses and online entrepreneurs to optimize, leverage, and strategically use social marketing tools to gain visibility, build credibility and make more money selling their products and services.   Denise is passionate about Adventure travel and how it can inspire you to think bigger and go for what’s possible in your business and life. She’s currently planning a new Adventure for entrepreneurs in Peru.

Denise Wakeman’s Life Purpose

  • To embrace my adventurous side and to model that for others so that we all find more joy in business and life.

Life Purpose Ah-Ha Moment

  • I found my life purpose in Peru.  After traveling to Peru a few years ago, I was so drawn that I went back for a second trip to spend time with my guide who was working on some new adventure treks.  I knew that I felt the best when I’m in a sense of discovery, experimentation and when pushing myself out of my comfort zone.   At that point, I knew I had to combine this love into all aspects of my life including my business.

Major Life Events that Hinted at Your Life Purpose

  • My husband left me unexpectedly which resulted in a divorce.  He was my business partner and I was in the background.  The divorce required me to rebuild a business and step out into the spotlight.  I would never be doing what I’m doing now if it weren’t for the split.  I’m doing so much more because of it.

Spiritual Belief

  • I’ve never been a religious person even thought my grandfather was a minister.  I do know I’m part of the whole universe and connected beyond my here and now in North Hollywood.

Recommended Personal Growth Resource or Practice

  • The book, Anything You Want by Derek Sivers or any of his books.
  • A Liver Cleanse

Wisdom on Life Purpose and Personal Growth

  • I believe that I am a citizen of the world and we all are citizens of the world and we transcend geographical, cultural and economic boundaries.  That is one of the most exciting things about being a human being and alive today.  There are so many ways we can help and embrace each other across this globe.

Links and Offers Mentioned in this Interview

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