Green Smoothie Recipe: A Delicious, Healthy Starting Point
September 27, 2013
Green smoothie recipes may seem gross when you first encounter them. Afterall, aren't smoothies supposed to be filled with strawberries, bananas and yogurt making them deliciously sweet? Well, meet the smoothie..
Green smoothie recipes may seem gross when you first encounter them. Afterall, aren’t smoothies supposed to be filled with strawberries, bananas and yogurt making them deliciously sweet? Well, meet the smoothie that really is good for your health as opposed to what you buy at Jamba Juice or Robeks. Granted, smoothie chain stores are better than eating donuts. However, they still have tons of sugar (which causes inflammation in the body).
According to Medical News Today (MNT), Inflammation is defined as follows:
Inflammation is the body’s attempt at self-protection; the aim being to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens – and begin the healing process.
When something harmful or irritating affects a part of our body, there is a biological response to try to remove it, the signs and symptoms of inflammation, specifically acute inflammation, show that the body is trying to heal itself. Inflammation does not mean infection, even when an infection causes inflammation. Infection is caused by a bacterium, virus or fungus, while inflammation is the body’s response to it.
The word inflammation comes from the Latin “inflammo”, meaning “I set alight, I ignite”.
Green smoothies have many benefits from boosting your nutrition to providing a fast, easy option for breakfast (and other meals if you’re in a rush). I’ve been drinking green smoothies for a few years. I stop for awhile and always come back to them because I feel so great when including them in my daily routine.
Healthy eating habits and good nutrition are part of the third module of the Life Purpose Advisor method, Transforming the Body. We offer you this green smoothie recipe as a starting point to kick off your intention to improved health.
Life Purpose Advisor Green Smoothie Recipe
The following is our base recipe for creating a healthy, hearty green smoothie. You can add things to this recipe as you like. Some of our favorite add-ons are grapes, mint and nectarines. The chia seeds are an important ingredient for staying full for a long time. They also help reduce food cravings, improve hydration, reduce blood pressure and add Omega 3’s which help reduce inflammation in the body.
Serves 2
- 2 Cups Water
- 2 Tablespoons Chia Seeds (Presoaked in Water)
- 1 Apple
- 1/3-1/2 Banana
- Juice from 1/2 Lemon
- 2 Handfuls of Kale or Spinach
- 2-3 Stalks of Celery
- 1/2 Large Cucumber
Blend altogether for 2 minutes on high. (I use a Osterizer blender I’ve had for over 15 years. It works great so no need for a high priced smoothie maker).
Green Smoothie Recipe Tips
- Use fresh ingredients when you can but don’t be afraid to try frozen items for convenience.
- Keep a bag of frozen kale and spinach in your freezer at all times.
- Freeze leftover bananas by just popping them in the freezer with the skins on. When ready to use them, cut in half and microwave for 20 seconds. They slip right out of the peel into the blender.
- Get into the habit of putting chia seeds to soak before you go to bed every night. Refrigerate til morning.
- Cut up ingredients for 5-7 days worth of smoothies on Sundays. It makes smoothie making a breeze.
- Rinse your blender and glass promptly for easy clean up.
- Refrigerate the second serving and drink it the next day or in the afternoon when you have an energy slump.
Tell Us If You Like It!
I’d love to hear from you if you make this recipe. Tell us if you like it and bring your own favorite smoothies and post them below in the comments section. Green Smoothie Recipes are just a start to changing how you feel about breakfast altogether. Enjoy!

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