How Life Nudges You Toward Your Life Purpose
October 24, 2012
You already know your life purpose and you always have - Yes, that's right. You already know your life purpose and you always have. This belief is a key foundation of the
How Life Nudges You Toward Your Life Purpose
October 24, 2012
You already know your life purpose and you always have - Yes, that's right. You already know your life purpose and you always have. This belief is a key foundation of the
Yes, that’s right. You already know your life purpose and you always have. This belief is a key foundation of the Life Purpose Advisor methods. It’s true, you’ve always known your life purpose and you’ve been getting hints from birth. At the same time, you’ve been living life and encountering events and emotional challenges that cover up what you’ve always known. You know this is true if you consider it. How often are you nudged to do something but have no idea why? Alternatively, why is it that your subconscious is always urging you to do better in your life. That’s part of it too.
Our job when trying to identify our life purpose is to become clear enough to see the purpose that already exists within us. Our subconscious wants us to show up as our highest potential so it offers us help via that way of challenging experiences that require you to stop and pay attention. You have no choice but to grow. These nudges, although often painful, show up to assist you in growing in Body, Mind and Spirit. The nudges are inevitable. You can’t change that they will show up. However, you can be alert and ready. Have you seen any of these nudges showing up in your life?
In our programs, we use four modules: Know Thyself, Practices and Rituals, Transforming the Body and Be Mindful. These modules are designed to give you a foundation for navigating your growth opportunities, clearing out the emotional clutter and becoming more connected to yourself. Our Advisors contribute wonderful, free content to help you work on yourself. I hope you will take advantage of their advice. When you are ready, we’re here to work with you.
In the interim, tell us about your experiences with the seven nudges we mention above. How have you walked the path to your life purpose? Did you recognize your great changes as just that, a nudge from your Life Purpose?
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