15: Lynda Bunnell: The Life Purpose of Helping Others Find Their Truth

In this episode, Lynda Bunnell discusses The International Human Design School, the importance of following your truth and transitioning her corporate career to a spiritual leader.
“The driving thing inside of me was to be happy, to be content, to love myself and my life, to find something to be passionate about and give me meaning.” -Lynda Bunnell
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About Lynda Bunnell

Lynda Bunnell is an expert in the Human Design System. She has worked closely with Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System, since 1999. The Human Design System is a logical, mechanical, and graphically illustrated system which maps each individual’s unique genetic highlighting. She is an esteemed educator and author in the field and is currently the Director of the International Human Design School. She has true passion for spiritual and metaphysical studies. Lynda is a mother, grandmother, and a successful businesswoman. She was raised and resides in Southern California.
….In this show….

Lynda Bunnell’s Life Purpose

  • To hold space for people to discover who they really are.
  • To follow my own personal truth in living my daily life.

Life Purpose Ah-Ha Moments

  • It was a profound experience when Lynda discovered Human Design.  She knew she had to be involved with it and wanted to spend all of her time studying it.
  • Lynda felt like she was not living her truth in her corporate job.  She was bored and felt it was very incongruous with her life.
  • The biggest thing that pushed Lynda was the need to know who she really was.

Spiritual Belief

  • No belief in organized religion.
  • We are all here to move consciousness forward, to wake up and evolve the physical form to house the true potential of consciousness.  The more we honor our bodies by trusting the process that the body is capable of guiding our life, the more we can get out of our heads and become the passenger of this grand experience.  The first step is to understand who you are then to live your life according to your own inner truth and trust that that will take you wherever you need to go in life.
  • The Universe/God is a force that’s out there that we’re connected to and that we are an expression of.

Recommended Personal Growth Resource or Practice

Lynda Bunnell’s Wisdom on Igniting Life Purpose and Personal Growth

  • “You have to follow your nature and who you really are and that brings happiness.”

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