November Connected Conversations: The Power of Gratitude
October 24, 2013
The Power of Gratitude is the topic for our November Connected Conversations meeting. It’s a perfect time to warm up your thankfulness energy just before...
November Connected Conversations: The Power of Gratitude
October 24, 2013
The Power of Gratitude is the topic for our November Connected Conversations meeting. It’s a perfect time to warm up your thankfulness energy just before...
The Power of Gratitude is the topic for our November Connected Conversations meeting. It’s a perfect time to warm up your thankfulness energy just before Thanksgiving (November 28, 2013) so that you can create a more meaningful holiday. I’ve chosen The Power of Gratitude for November because I believe that routinely practicing gratitude can improve your life….significantly.
In this intimate group setting, we’ll be entering a deep, group discussion about gratitude and the things we are most grateful for. Using the World Café Model, we will guide you to rotate through 4-20 minute conversations about a preselected question related to gratitude. Topics will include family & friends, health & wellness, gratitude & joy and life purpose & personal development.
What: Connected Conversations Monthly Meeting
Topic: The Power of Gratitude
When: Tuesday, November 19, 2013. 6:30-8:30pm
Where: The Unity Center, 8999 Activity Road, San Diego, Ca 92126
Cost: $25
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Suggested Reading: “Guidepost #4, Cultivating Gratitude and Joy: Letting Go of Scarcity and Fear of the Dark”, from The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
“Without exception, every person I interviewed who described living a joyful life or who described themselves as joyful, actively practiced gratitude and attributed their joyfulness to their gratitude practice.” –Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
How might your life change if you included a gratitude practice in your life? Come join in the great energy of other like-minded friends and co-create something wonderful for your life.
Connected Conversations is a monthly meeting group hosted by Life Purpose Advisor and Angie Swartz. It is the place where you can connect with like-minded people interested in finding their life purpose, navigating life transitions, improving personal mastery, developing self-awareness, increasing personal leadership, living a more meaningful life, answering a higher calling, growing spirituality and much more. Monthly Connected Conversation meetings will include speakers, group discussion, circle talk, workshops, and always the opportunity to contribute, connect and ask questions. The events are educational as well as offer you the opportunity to make new friends and get to know others on a deeper level.
December :15: Holiday Brunch
January 16: Spiritual Goal Setting
February 20: Know Thyself – Love In Its Best Form
March 20: Ritual – The Ides of March
April 17: Transforming the Body and The Power to Heal with Bret Mosher
May 15: Mindfulness Circle
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