Sharing Love…What is Proper Etiquette?
June 24, 2014
Today while I was journaling, I had a childhood memory from about age six. I had accompanied my father to work for the.......
Sharing Love…What is Proper Etiquette?
June 24, 2014
Today while I was journaling, I had a childhood memory from about age six. I had accompanied my father to work for the.......
Today while I was journaling, I had a childhood memory from about age six. I had accompanied my father to work for the day. Like any six year old, I was looking for something to do to keep me busy and out of my father’s way. I decided on my project for the day and got busy creating love notes to everyone in my father’s office. I was so excited to share love. I took extra care to draw a special picture and to write “I Love You” in my best handwriting. I hand delivered each note placing it in just the right spot on everyone’s desk. After finishing, I sat back and relished in my wonderful work. I was so proud of myself. I couldn’t wait to tell my Dad. After all, who couldn’t use more love and cheer?
My Dad finished up for the day and I almost burst with pride while showing him my work. Much to my surprise, my Dad was horrified. He quickly went around the office collecting my work. I was confused. He explained to me that this just wasn’t something you do in an office setting. I was still confused. Love is love, right? Looking back, I suspect this was one of my first hints that I wouldn’t be happy working in a corporate office for long.
That day, I think my heart closed a little as I tried to digest the appropriate place for love in the world. As an adult and a parent myself, I know that my actions were just fine for a little girl. I find great joy seeing my little one drawing hearts, peace signs, smiles and “I love you” notes to anyone who will have them. I also know that what I witnessed may have been my father’s own insecurities with sharing the softer side of himself in his responsible manager job. He meant no strong judgment on me and he continued to encourage me to express myself via art and theatre for many years.
This story begs the question though, “What is the Proper Etiquette for Sharing Love?”
Our society today is becoming more conscious. Unconditional love is playing a bigger role in personal development. Many experts suggest that our heart has as much intelligence as our brains. Additionally, spiritual thought leaders teach us that our entire mission on Earth is to open our hearts to the goodness around us. The acceptance of Love is growing but it’s still got a long way to go.
I have a good friend who often shares his feelings and gratitude for others. He’s very open and generous with his kind words and heartfelt comments. This is one of the big reasons I like him. Sometimes though, people don’t know how to receive his affection. They aren’t accustomed to casual friends so openly sharing their positive feelings. Why is this? Years and years of conditioning and fear perhaps? I wonder how our world would be different if we were all evolved enough to share and receive love from everyone around us.
We can’t change the whole world in an instant but real change starts with each one of us. If you openly share more love, you’ll start receiving more love. And so it begins…
So, what is the proper etiquette for sharing love? It’s up to you to help set a new standard. As for me, I state my affections and gratitude often and all my clients get hugs on the way out the door whether they like it or not…
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