11: Dr. Zannah Hackett: The Life Purpose of Teaching Others to See
January 28, 2015
In this episode, Dr. Zannah Hackett discusses the importance of really understanding yourself and the ULT Technology...
11: Dr. Zannah Hackett: The Life Purpose of Teaching Others to See
January 28, 2015
In this episode, Dr. Zannah Hackett discusses the importance of really understanding yourself and the ULT Technology...
In this episode, Dr. Zannah Hackett discusses the importance of really understanding yourself and the ULT Technology.
[spp-player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/lifepurposeadvisor/AS_Zannah_Hackett_rev-1.mp3″]
Dr. Zannah Hackett is the founder of The YOU Institute, YOU Consulting Group, innovator of The ULT Technology and author of YOU & The Ultimate Life Tool. Dr. Hackett has spent the last 18 years developing an advanced human assessment technology that allows individuals to fully understand themselves and others around them. Individual programs and Life Coaching Certification curriculum is accredited by the BBS, the BRN and the ICF. She has trained over 100 professionals in the use of the technology and continues to advise some of today’s most influential difference makers.
Life Purpose Ah-Ha Moments
Major Life Events that Hinted at Your Life Purpose
Special Offer: Free ULT Technology Test and 1o Minute Consultation (Discount Code included in interview_
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