10: Stephen Blake: The Pet Whisperer on His Life Purpose
January 28, 2015
In this episode, Dr. Stephen Blake discusses how he became the Pet Whisperer, his work and his deep commitment to spiritual work and raising consciousness...
10: Stephen Blake: The Pet Whisperer on His Life Purpose
January 28, 2015
In this episode, Dr. Stephen Blake discusses how he became the Pet Whisperer, his work and his deep commitment to spiritual work and raising consciousness...
In this episode, Dr. Stephen Blake discusses how he became the Pet Whisperer, his work and his deep commitment to spiritual work and raising consciousness.
[spp-player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/lifepurposeadvisor/AS_Dr.Stephan_Blake-rev1.mp3″]
[spp-tweet “If you can’t love and care for yourself, you can’t love and care for others. @thepetwhisperer”]
Dr. Blake is The Pet Whisperer. He is a certified Veterinarian and has specialized in alternative veterinary medicine, utilizing classical homeopathy, nutrition, glandular therapy, massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, gemmotherapy, oligotherapy, bach flowers and Japanese Usui Reiki for 30+ years. He is the author of two books, The Pet Whisperer and Gemmotherapy for Our Animal Friends, and countless articles and YouTube videos. Dr. Blakeis also a Reiki Master.
Major Life Events that Hinted at Your Life Purpose
“Be grateful for baby steps on your own journey. Each little step you take toward finding the sweet spot with yourself is magic. Never belittle yourself or where you are.”
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