2: Todd Clift: The Meaning of Life is Wine?…or Teaching
November 4, 2014
Todd Clift, Moonstone Cellars Winemaker, and I discuss his career change, the impact of divorce, following your instincts and of course, wine....
2: Todd Clift: The Meaning of Life is Wine?…or Teaching
November 4, 2014
Todd Clift, Moonstone Cellars Winemaker, and I discuss his career change, the impact of divorce, following your instincts and of course, wine....
[spp-player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/lifepurposeadvisor/AS_Todd_Clift_rev-1.mp3″]
In this show….
In this episode, Todd Clift, Moonstone Cellars Winemaker, and I discuss his career change, the impact of divorce, following your instincts and of course, wine.
[spp-tweet “I’ve had enough of corporate world. I’m just going to follow a passion, a bliss and hope for the best. @moonstonecellars”]
About Todd Clift
Todd Clift is the owner and winemaker of Moonstone Cellars in Cambria, California. He has won over 400 awards in national and international wine competitions. He graduated from Pepperdine University with a degree in Business. When not making wine, you might find him hiking, paddle boarding, ocean sailing, or teaching stock market strategies to his investment club. Todd lives on the Central Coast of California, but lives aboard his sailboat in New England every summer.
Todd Clift’s Life Purpose
To be a teacher. Todd likes taking on crazy challenges to learn new topics inside and out. He hits his stride when he’s able to share a topic he has mastered. He’s a podcaster and a radio host, a teacher in the tasting room.
Life Purpose Ah-Ha Moment
Leaving a high paying corporate position. Realizing that the tight deadlines and demands of performing as a top salesman for Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) were fake pressures Todd didn’t want in his life. Todd discusses the difference between fake pressures to continue to perform to meet stockholder demands and real life pressure to tend to ripening grapes before they can’t be used.
Major Life Events that Hinted at Your Life Purpose
Being in Tower Two of the World Trade Center during the 2001 tragedy.
Divorce was a realization of personal failure.
Spiritual Belief
Todd’s a big believer in the Golden rule. He loves fellow man, the world. Not a strong belief in the after life. Raised by and Atheist and Apatheist. Not really a spiritual guy.
Recommended Personal Growth Resource or Practice
Poetry (Billy Collins, Charles Bukowski)
Meyers Briggs (Todd learned he is equally analytical and creative)
Interview Links
Todd Clift’s Website
Todd Clifts Wine Radio
Moonstone Cellars Wine Word of the Day Podcast
Moonstone Cellars Phone Number: (805) 927-9466 (wino)
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