What If You Could Change The World…
December 6, 2012
Those words hit me as I watched them scroll across the screen backlit by the beautiful image of a single drop of water. It was August 2008, and I was watching a very simple video about a group of....
. . . Those words hit me as I watched them scroll across the screen backlit by the beautiful image of a single drop of water. It was August 2008, and I was watching a very simple video about a group of people who wanted to change the world through the gift of clean water. Something stirred inside my soul…I dismissed it.
Several months later, while resting on a flight to Dallas, I had a half-conscious dream…I was standing inside a darkly lit home, where a child was squatting down with his hands just below a water faucet near the floor. As water poured out and splattered all over his hands, the child laughed. He picked up a clear glass, filled it with clean, fresh water and walked to his grandmother in the corner of the room, handing her a drink. But it was more than just that. He was offering her life . . . clean pure life… I awoke and instantly remembered that video I’d seen. I got off the airplane and emailed its producer: “I’d like to meet with you about Give Clean Water.”
When Darrel and I met, I wasn’t sure what to say. “I have no idea why I’m here.” I said. “I just feel like I’m supposed to help the cause, somehow.” Darrel explained that he was in the process of setting up the organization. I shared with him about my professional background and skills, and we ended the meeting with almost a shrug, not really sure where I might fit in. Weeks later, he contacted me to assist with the setting up of Give Clean Water as a non-profit. “Good thing I have those legal skills, huh?” I commented to myself.
Over the next few months, Darrel Larson, now the founder of Give Clean Water, and I spent many hours talking about the plans for the organization and his desire to provide a simple, tangible solution to such a huge, global problem. The goal? Changing the world for each and every family who is touched by Give Clean Water, thereby “changing the world, one family, one filter at a time. “
One day, when we were talking on the phone about our application for IRS tax-exempt status, “You know, you should be on the board of directors for GCW once you’re done being our lawyer. We have only men on the board and it would be nice to add a woman.” Without even thinking I responded, “I don’t want to be on the board, I want to you hire me.” . . . silence . . .“I didn’t know it was like that.”. . . . Silence. . . “Neither did I.” Those words simply had dropped out of my mouth. Two months later, I was asked to be the executive director of Give Clean Water.
Purpose – the reason for which something (or someone) exists or is done, made, used.
Many years ago, I made a commitment to myself that I would always be open to change and new opportunities as God brings them into my life. Since then, God and his sense of humor have presented me with both ridiculous and amazing opportunities. I haven’t always understood what purpose they served at the time, but I’ve always remained open. Prior to joining GCW, I had served on many nonprofit boards, worked as an attorney helping people start businesses, and spent several years leading a networking organization. The moment I was offered a position at GCW, I realized this opportunity was what so many things in my life had been about… to prepare me for this position, this Purpose.
Over the past four years, I have had the privilege of leading hundreds of volunteers to give the gift of clean water to families in the rural areas of Fiji. I not only get to see those family’s worlds change, but I also get to watch volunteers, who traveled to Fiji expecting to change other’s lives find that their lives will never be the same. There is such beauty in giving to others that it changes who we are.
As my journey continues I’ve learned that our lives don’t have a single purpose, but many. . . As I stepped into mine and lived in it fully, I found that it is not one particular job, one calling or in one place that I someday will “arrive” at. Rather, it is a way of thinking . . . a way of living.
My Life Purpose Statement:
I CHOOSE: To live consciously and authentically in the moment every day.
To seek God and His will first, always above my own and allow His will to direct my life so that I may be a part of showing the world his love.
To always be open to change and new opportunities as God brings them into my life, both professionally and personally.
To give others by listening and connecting with them in meaningful ways.
To live to support and encourage others through times of hurt and celebrate with them in times of joy.
. . .that is my Purpose.

If our work at Give Clean Water fits with your passion, please consider supporting our work by making a donation during this holiday season.
- For every $100 donated, we are able to provide an entire family with a clean water filter that provides 1 million gallons of clean water.
- For $5,000 you can adopt an entire village in Fiji and provide each home with a clean water filter. Any amount will be used wisely and we are truly grateful!

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