What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a motivational theory proposed by Abraham Maslow, suggests that there are five categories of needs that drive human behavior. Maslow presents his theory in a pyramid shape, with the most basic human needs at the bottom and the higher-level needs at the top. According to this theory, people can only achieve top level needs and real-life fulfillment when their basic (lower-level) needs are completely achieved.

The five levels, starting with the lowest are…

  1.       Physiological needs (air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, and reproduction): the most basic level of needs includes things we all need for survival, such as food, water and adequate sleep and shelter. According to Maslow, these basic needs must be fully met for people to move to the next level of fulfillment.
  2.       Safety needs (personal security, employment, resources, health, property): this next level of basic human needs includes emotional, mental, and financial stability and security. Feeling safe motivates people to move forward and seek and achieve fulfillment at the next level.
  3.       Love and belonging (friendship, intimacy, family, and sense of connection): according to the hierarchy of needs, this is the last level of basic needs that every individual must adequately fulfill to move up and live a rich and full life. This level of love and belonging includes family bonds, deep rooted friendships built on trust and mutual interest, sexual and emotional intimacy with a partner or spouse and being part of a community of like-minded individuals (this can be being part of a sports team, being in a book club or being part of a networking group). Once a person feels like they have a sense of belonging and they have loving, trusting relationships, they can move up to the next level of human fulfillment.
  4.       Esteem needs (respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, strength, freedom): this is a higher need, according to Maslow, and involves confidence in self and a belief that you are valuable and worthy of love and respect. These needs are fulfilled when others acknowledge your capabilities and accomplishments and when you, yourself, feel confident in your own strengths and abilities.
  5.       Self-actualization (desire to become the most that one can be): the highest level of needs, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, involves reaching and fulfilling your full potential as a person. These types of high-level needs include higher education, skill development, serving and caring for others, recognizing and developing your own personal talents, traveling the world to gain new experiences and learn from other people, and winning awards for sharing your talents.

Fulfilling Deficiency Needs to Get to Growth Needs

According to Maslow, the highest level of needs, self-actualization, is a “growth need,” which is completely separate from the first four levels which he calls “deficiency needs.” According to his theory, people that fail to adequately meet their deficiency needs will experience emotional and physical pain in their lives such as loneliness, depression, illness, and starvation. So, really we cannot jump to the highest level of fulfillment if we don’t first take care of our deficiency needs.

If we practice this theory, we can look at all the things that make up our deficiency needs and evaluate where we need to make adjustments. Where are we lacking? What can we do to make sure those needs are fully met and not just superficially met?  For instance… Are we emotionally and financially stable? Do we have relationships where we feel valued, trusted and seen? Are we confident in our capabilities and know what our strengths are? Do we believe in ourselves and truly believe we are worthy of love and dignity?

Once we dig deep into the first four levels of hierarchy, we can determine what needs are and are NOT being fully met. Then it is up to us to do the work until each level is fulfilled. This can be uncomfortable, but until all these needs are met, we cannot rise to the highest level and truly grow into our full potential.

Are You Ready to Reach Your Highest Level?

If you are feeling movement, it is time to grow! Your life purpose is calling you and it is time to step into your growth and unlock your true potential.

The time is now my friends… let’s go!

If you are ready to reach your highest level, plan a free consultation with me here!

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