What Is The Wheel of Life?

A wise person once said, “Life is what you make it.” Well, generally speaking, it seems like we humans have chosen to make our lives complicated. Just take a look around you and study the average person. How do they conduct themselves in their daily lives? Do they seem genuinely happy, or stressed out? Do they seem like they have clarity or do they seem lost?

We all know the answers to these questions. And that is why there exist things like The Wheel of Life to help you navigate the journey of your life with grace and clarity. Before we talk about it in more detail, let’s first understand what it is.

The Wheel of Life

The wheel of life is a visual tool (essentially a diagram of a wheel) that represents the various aspects of human life like career, finances, relationships, spiritual development, etc. It allows a person to understand how balanced each area of their life is at a single glance. In doing so, they are able to gauge how satisfied they are with their lives and take corrective measures. This is the reason it is used extensively as a coaching tool. It makes things a lot easier both for the coach and the client.

How Is The Wheel of Life Used?

It’s quite simple really. The coach asks the client to go through each aspect of their life shown on the wheel (usually there are 8-10 categories). They are then asked to rate their level of satisfaction with each area of their life. This data is then mapped onto the wheel of life. If they have achieved balance and satisfaction in all areas of their life, the resultant diagram will look like a perfect circle (just as a wheel is supposed to be). If not, it will look like an imperfect circle and it would be clear that the journey of their life is a bumpy one.

Once the client has filled the wheel, the coach may want to dig deeper, especially for those areas where their level of satisfaction is low. The aim would be to get to the bottom of why they feel the way they do. Once the problem is established, the coach can then look for solutions and devise a plan of action for the client to get there.

In subsequent sessions, and after some time has passed, the client can fill the wheel of life again, and find out whether there are improvements. If things are working out, they can simply keep following the plan of action. If not, the coach can devise other creative ways to tackle the problem at hand. Ultimately, the wheel of life proves to be a powerful tool that can greatly enhance a person’s happiness, well-being, and contentment in life. And since it’s a simple method, literally anyone can use it!


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